Tieto stranky su archiv 1996-2005, pouzite aktualne stranky www.wrx.sk

Špecializované produkty

Širkoká ponuka produktov určených zväčša pre stacionárne prevedenie alebo aplikácie pre letectvo, námornú službu, iridium brány, pobočkové ústredne ... . Uvedené produkty spĺňajú európske normy. Ponuku budeme postupne rozširovať len o produkty, ktoré je možné použiť v krajinách EU. Ak hľadáte dopnky pre všetky ponúkané zariadenia, prejdite na nasledovnú stránku.

IMF1000 stacionárne prevedenie
IMF1000 stacionárna stanica je jednokanálové zariadenie určené pre stálu inštaláciu vo vnútri budov, alebo na lodiach. Ideálne riešenie pre pripojenie na Vašu pobočkovú ústredňu, IMF 1000 bude tak tvoriť bránu medzi Vašou ústredňou a sieťou Iridium.

Beam Remote Satellite Terminal: RST100 (prezentácia - zip file)
Beam Remote Satellite Terminal umožňuje komunikáciu v zdialených oblastiach, kde nie je žiaden signál akejkoľvek pozemnej siete prostredníctvom služieb siete Iridium. Terminál je možné využiť aj ako riešenie do budov, do podzemia, ...

Beam Remote Satellite Modem: RST200 (iridium.com)
Beam Remote Satellite Voice/Data Modem ponúka riešenie pre vzdialené lokality s data / SCADA telekomunikačným spojom cez Iridium satellite network. Viac informáciív našej spoločnosti.

Beam Fixed In-vehicle Telephone RST620 (iridium.com)
Beam fixný telefón do vozidla ponúka plnú Hands-Free prevádzku pre vodiča terminál je dodávaný so všetkými podstatnými doplnkami ako je inteligentné slúchadlo, reporudktor, ... .Viac informácií v našej spoločnosti.

9522 L Band s GPS
9522 L-Band Transceiver s GPS je produkt vyrobený spol. NAL Research Corporation, ktorá rozšírila vlastnosti pôvodného produktu Motorola 9522 L-Band Transceiver o GPS prijímač.


The uniHub is a plug-and-play solution that allows the end user to do more with the Iridium phones, including telephony interface for Group 3 fax and analog data modem, WiFi access to Iridium services, interfacing devices to the Iridium data port such as USB-based GPS receivers, and provides a simple interface for managing applications and multi-channel aggregation.

Ak máte záujem o nasledovné produkty, kontaktujte nás.


Aerodata’s AeroPhone® is an airworthiness certified single-box, one channel communication system providing world-wide voice and data communication by using the Iridium Satellite Network. With a weight of approximately 5lbs. the system adds negligible weight to helicopters or fixed-wing aircraft.

ICS-100 (Aviation)

The ICS-100 Iridium Communications System incorporates a single channel Iridium transceiver with CTU features, providing a stand-alone comprehensive communications system. The ICS-100 permits connections of conventional telephony devices or legacy CTU systems via either a standard 2-wire 'Tip and Ring' circuits or 4-wire audio connections.


SkyTrac’s ISAT system provides flight following and messaging/data transfer between aircraft and ground using Iridium’s Short Burst Data (SBD) service. SkyTrac provides operators with a complete turnkey and fully automated system including hardware, operational Base software suite, Iridium satellite communication service and full system support. Iridium’s SBD service enables real time data transfer from aircraft anywhere in the world to your desktop for as little as pennies per transmission.

Multi-Exchange Unit 2000

The MXU 2000 is a four channel Satellite Communications System that connects PBXs, public switch telephone networks and telephones to the Iridium global satellite system. The MXU is the perfect solution for organizations that require emergency communications services, communications with remote locations, or their own private communications network.

Sky Connect Executive

This certified premier cabin-class aircraft satellite telephone system developed by Icarus Instruments puts global telephone communications in your aircraft’s cabin using cordless handsets. Designed to elegantly fit into the refined passenger cabins in any turbine and turbo-prop aircraft, Sky Connect EXECUTIVE provides up to four slim, lightweight, cordless handsets, per Iridium phone line, which permit passengers to move about freely while making and receiving standard phone calls. EXECUTIVE can be configured to add Iridium phone service in the cockpit for use by the pilots.

Predplatené služby
Hlasové služby
Dátové služby
Paging služby
SMS služby

Tieto stranky su archiv 1996-2005, pouzite aktualne stranky www.wrx.sk