Tieto stranky su archiv 1996-2005, pouzite aktualne stranky www.wrx.sk


What is it?
The uniHub is a plug-and-play solution that allows the end user to do more with the Iridium phones, including telephony interface for Group 3 fax and analog data modem, WiFi access to Iridium services, interfacing devices to the Iridium data port such as USB-based GPS receivers, and provides a simple interface for managing applications and multi-channel aggregation.

Why do you need it?
If you want to fax, the uniHub allows Iridium subscribers to send and receive faxes over the Iridium network.

If you are working indoors or are in areas where line-of-sight is not possible, Iridium subscribers can now access Iridium data services via WiFi from an indoor computer while the Iridium and uniHub equipment is in line-of-sight of the Iridium satellites.

If you need to connect devices with USB ports, wired LAN ports, and analog modems to Iridium, the uniHub offers a plug-and-play capability for connecting these devices to iridium equipment.


  • Supports transmission of data from and to Group 3 analog fax machines over the Iridium network
  • Supports transmission of data from analog data modems, credit card terminals, and data encryption devices over the Iridium satellite network
  • LAN/WiFi support to allow multiple users to access the same data link or data port from indoors or other areas where line-of-sight is not available
  • Provides a uniform interface for different computers and PDAs to easily access the data port without specialized software
  • Front end for multi-channel link aggregation
  • Application platform for applications such as GPS tracking


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Tieto stranky su archiv 1996-2005, pouzite aktualne stranky www.wrx.sk